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The creative power of the Soul -
Introduction to Transformational Kinesiology

By Petra Wagner

When the Gods created man, they were arguing about the best place to hide what was most precious: his soul. Finally a little God had the best idea, he suggested to hide the Soul inside of man himself, because he would never think to look there! This is the short version of an old parable, and it is full of truth.

We search, but very seldom in the right place. We seek, in the outer world, what is to be found in the inner world, and we go through many disappointments and hurtful experiences before we change direction.

We come to this world full of hope, joy, curiosity, and energy - and much is lost in the following years, being programmed by parents, school, society and our own conclusions regarding the events. Our enthusiasm for life is damped and sometimes we just resign and merely exist instead of fully living.

But as time goes by, there comes a subtle, gentle voice within to whisper that we should not be content with life the way it appears. This voice speaks to us through wishes we had, through dreams that were never fulfilled, through a longing for complete self-expression and fiery enthusiasm.

And a new creative cycle starts:

  • We start to see life through different eyes.
  • Maybe we go through a process of complaining and we search for the victim or persecutor.
  • But finally we come to a point when we have had enough, and we come to see life as a series of challenges to be mastered creatively.
  • Maybe now we start to fight, and to win where before we were a loser, but this phase will end as well.
  • Then we see the innumerable possibilities available to us. We set goals. We become more open. We listen to the impulses from our inner voice more and more, and we approach our true life task.
  • Step by step we "re-member," and we create our life according to the dream with which we came into this world.
  • The vision becomes reality.

In the very moment that we acknowledge the reality of our soul, we come into an inner communication that gets refined more and more.

At the beginning there is only a faint idea, a longing, a deep wish. Then there is certainty: everything is possible; we only have to find the right way. And: we have to learn to understand the "language of the soul".

For that we have a very precious tool: the kinesiological muscle-test. For sure we cannot find "the truth" when we muscle-test statements, but we can find out what is in our belief system and what conditions our life.

Consciousness conditions being - and it is subjective, a fact that is known very well in physics: Heisenberg found out that the atoms, which circulate around the nucleus, take the direction that is expected by the observer!

With regard to human life this means: stay awake, observe, draw conclusions, adapt accordingly, stay awake even more, observe even more clearly, draw more conclusions, adapt accordingly . . . Always there is an inner navigator: our soul. But the soul never forces itself upon us because freedom is the highest value. Still, we can bring ourselves into alignment with the soul by proper self-management, which means understanding the impulses of the soul and translating them into our daily life.

We change the inner and outer form of our life, and everything becomes transformed.
Elegant, easy, and very efficient ways and possibilities we find in the system called Transformational Kinesiology (TK).

TK was founded by Grethe Fremming and Rolf Havsboel in the early eighties, and it continues to be researched and developed. It is taught in the US, Australia, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary and Germany. TK combines elements of Kinesiology, Transpersonal Psychology and Philosophy, with elements of the so-called "Ageless Wisdom," as described in books by Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Torkom Saraydarian, Charles Leadbeater and others.

TK rests on the following principles:

  1. The human being consists of different organisational levels, which have different characteristics:
    a. the level of the dense body
    b. the etheric level, which transmits energy to the dense body
    c. the emotional level, regarding feelings and emotions
    d. the mental level, with regard to concrete and abstract thoughts
    e. the buddhic level, responsible for intuitions
    f. the atmic level, on which the human being experiences real freedom
    g. the monadic level, which characterizes the expression of the Self on all levels
    h. the divine Level, source of all, which exists
  2. The body, etheric, emotional and the concrete mental level are combined in a more or less integrated unity called the personality. On the higher mental level dwells the soul, whose task is to nourish the levels of the personality with all those impulses, which are needed for further development. Therefore this area is often called the causal level.
  3. Each level exists due to its functioning from special "matter" that regulates the quality of living, feeling, thinking and perception. The contents of a level are very often unconscious, but they define our circumstances, attitudes, successes or failures. Each level is determined by its own life, and is very often at battle with another level.
  4. Every human being is unique, its own universe. Thus, there is inside not only one's unique destiny, challenges, strengths and weaknesses, but also the solution to all one's problems, as well.
  5. Humans belong to a greater organisational form, which has its own laws. The human being has the choice to cooperate with these laws or to resist. We can see what we are doing by taking a permanent, unprejudiced and courageous look into the mirror that has been provided by the surroundings and situations of our life.
  6. Counselling in Transformational Kinesiology aims at the integration of all parts of the personality and its subordination to the causal level, which means: subordination to the creative impulses of the soul.
  7. With the help of a special handmode and the kinesiological muscle-test we can identify which levels of the personality have specific blockages, how they came about, and what we can do to sustain the flow of energy from the causal level to all levels of the personality, or to adjust it anew.
  8. The "subtle anatomy" conditions our experience; it does not define us forever. Due to the dynamic of the subtle anatomy, each problem can be seen as a signpost into the future.
  9. The art, which has to be learned, is the ability to "read life"; to decode the messages of daily life and to respond in a creative way.
  10. The most important element is the soul. Every human being strives--consciously or unconsciously--for self-development. By "self" we mean the "higher Self, the "soul." The Self contains all information that is needed to become who we are.
  11. The creative powers of the soul are experienced through wishes, dreams, aspirations, goals, and "challenges" (to use a more friendly word than "problems"). Thus seen, challenges are "gifts of life" because they cause us to evolve. There are no mistakes, just experiences and new insights.
  12. Goals are like magnets, thrown into the future. It works like an enticement, and we can be sure that everything we need will be there in the right time and form, but not always in the way we expected it.

The quintessence can be found in a quote from W.H. Murray, one of the first to climb the Himalayan mountain, who reminds us of what Goethe once said:

"Whatever you can do or dream to do, start, begin . . .
boldness contains genius, power and magic in it."

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